Cutis verticis gyrata – ondulations ın the scalp skin


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Cutis Verticis Gyrata – Ondulations In The Scalp Skin

08/21/2021/in General, Plastic-Reconstructive /by Ege Özgentaş

CVG Disease

Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG) is a rare disease. Manifests itself with ondulation of the head skin (scalp). Eventually head and forehead skin may get the appearance resembling the brain.

Cause (Etiology)

The cause of this disease is not exactly understood. Most of the time it begins spontaneously without any reason. On the other hand some cases can be found with other pathologies. Some of them are:

  • Previous accidents
  • Some skin tumors
  • Cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Brain diseases
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Some drug treatments
  • Psychological disorders
Age and gender

CVG is more common in males. It may be seen at any age but it usually begins after puberty and before 30. Although it is rare globally it is relatively common in Sicilians. It is also seen more in mental retardation cases and psychiatric patients treated in hospitals. It is more common in males. This may be related to the long hairs of the women which may obscure the mild cases of CVG. If we give a ratio one man from 100 thousand and one woman from 10 million have this disease.

The course (prognosis)

There are no specific measurements to treat or stop the progress of this disease. On the other hand some symptomatic treatments are possible. In severe cases skin deva and hygiene may prevent infections. In case of infections antibiotics and anti inflamatuar drugs are helpful. Surgery is only indicated for cosmetic considerations. There is no standard surgical treatment. If small affected areas may be removed and closed primarily. If large areas are involved, staged operations may be necessary. The success of the surgical treatment mostly depends on the experience of the surgeon.


CVG disease is the abbreviation of Cutis Verticis Gyrata disease. Usually this disease is not dangerous or fatal. On the other hand it may cause serious cosmetic and psychological disturbances. Treatment is surgical and limited to the correction of appearance.

Ege Ozgentas M.D. Professor of Plastic Surgery